Youth Hunt


Yesterday was NC’s Youth Hunt and my son wanted to go out but with it being 90 degrees I had no intention of cleaning another deer in this weather unless an absolute giant came out (which I put the chances of that as slim to none as he already harvested the boss buck at our spots). The wind was right for a ladder stand that overlooked an old pasture and the camera was showing deer frequenting the area during last half hour of light so I figured this would be a perfect place to relax and see some action and everyone wins. A couple hours before we were going to get ready a good friend asked if we wanted to come out to his property and help him thin his doe herd… after poising the question to my son he enthusiastically responded ‘YES!’

Knowing the amount of does at my friends property I reluctantly grabbed the bubba blade, skinning knife and sharpening rod and put them in the backpack as I knew if my son did his part I would be cleaning a deer.

After reviewing the game plan with my friend my son and I set off to hunt out of one of his Shadow Hunter stands that overlooked two food plot strips that were just emerging with wheat and clover and supplemented with some shelled corn :-)
I have never hunted out of a non homemade box blind and will say the Shadow hunter was beyond impressive and well thought out in design and function.
After getting situated we passed the time watching a yellow throated warbler picking at elderberries and wiping the sweat that was rolling down our faces. Luckily it didn’t take long and a spike emerged to offer entertainment and distract us from the oppressive heat. It wasn’t much longer after that a group of does emerged. We heard a distant shot which signaled my friends son was presented an opportunity for his first deer so now it up to us. The does were in the 135 yard range, the furthest my son had ever shot a deer previously was 65 yards so I was a little nervous to see how this would play out but after great patience waiting for the right shot, he connected and was rewarded with a healthy doe that he dropped on the spot.
We are off to a stellar season and definitely blessed.
Gotta love getting the kids involved and success is a great way to keep them involved - congrats to both of you.
Funny how priorities change. Two years ago I went out hunting 15-20 times, my son went out 3 times with me, one of which he got his first deer which was a vindication of sorts for his passion. Last year we were building a house so things were a little crazy, only got out 6 times and only one of those was by myself, ended up putting three deer in the freezer, none of which were harvested by me and I was thrilled.
I am hoping to find a balance of "me" time and kid time but it is pretty hard to walk out the door with my gear and one of the kids asking why they can't come along and when can they go out again. Obviously I am thrilled my kids are showing such a strong interest in hunting and the outdoors in general but I am genuinely proud that they are becoming stewards of the land and environment and actual ambassadors of hunting. My son has talked about his successes in school and as a result, two of his classmates from non hunting/shooting families have come out to our house to learn more and I was able to introduce them to some basic target practice with archery equipment and a pellet gun as much to peak their interest as well as assure the parents, with proper supervision it is a safe and enjoyable activity. Hopefully I get more opportunities to break down stereo types.
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What kind of gun was he shooting?].

He uses a TC Encore with an adjustable stock and a 300 Blackout barrel. I have a Mac Brothers can on it. Almost zero recoil and I love the fact of not having to mess with trying to get hearing pro on when a deer is coming in.
Nothing better than putting the young'uns deer, congrats. I'll be trying to get my grandson on one in a couple weeks.
Funny how priorities change. Two years ago I went out hunting 15-20 times, my son went out 3 times with me, one of which he got his first deer which was a vindication of sorts for his passion. Last year we were building a house so things were a little crazy, only got out 6 times and only one of those was by myself, ended up putting three deer in the freezer, none of which were harvested by me and I was thrilled.
I am hoping to find a balance of "me" time and kid time but it is pretty hard to walk out the door with my gear and one of the kids asking why they can't come along and when can they go out again. Obviously I am thrilled my kids are showing such a strong interest in hunting and the outdoors in general but I am genuinely proud that they are becoming stewards of the land and environment and actual ambassadors of hunting. My son has talked about his successes in school and as a result, two of his classmates from non hunting/shooting families have come out to our house to learn more and I was able to introduce them to some basic target practice with archery equipment and a pellet gun as much to peak their interest as well as assure the parents, with proper supervision it is a safe and enjoyable activity. Hopefully I get more opportunities to break down stereo types.
This is the 1st year I've had me time in probably 12 yrs. I've already been bow hunting by myself 5 times and I'm missing sitting in the stand with one of the boys! After I killed a buck last year in gun season I saw a nice buck in front of my stand and was able to sit with my 16 year old the next morning as he got the kill, that was a better moment than my own hunt. The smiles on there faces says it all.20151115_083348.jpg
sweet little set up. Great to see the young ones out enjoying the outdoors and not sitting in front of the Nintendo.

Congrats in order. This is the first year my brother is hunting alone too. I have his son today with me about 200 yards away. He saw a doe moving quick so let her go hoping a buck was in tow. I'm going to go get him in a few minutes. It's awesome looking at their faces after a shot and quite fulfilling.

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