Young Fawn in December


New Member
I am on a lease in NW Florida. We are issued one "Doe Tag" and I have my eye on a large mature doe. I have her on camera, but ran into an issue today. She has a very young spotted fawn, for that reason I will not take her. I can't recall seeing really young fawns this time of year. Have you ever seen this?
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Yes. Shoot her. The fawns will be fine. I was part of a group that did urban bow hunting. We worked with biologists and special kill permits for out of season. Even late dropped fawns that still have spots and are still nursing, are able to eat vegetation and survive just fine with mom dead. Some of our guys had the same issue, but the biologists assured us the fawns will be fine.
My property is over in south Louisiana. The rut is mid-January. This was from November 4 when I was out bush hogging. I took a break and saw mom and baby run up from where I had been mowing 30 minutes earlier. They circled around in front of me and stopped 10 yards in front of the tractor. Mom had the audacity to start blowing and stomping at me. It would be a judgement call for me. The fawn may make it, but there are plenty of does on my place.
Well, I want the meat, I don't have any in the freezer. There are four other mature does hanging around and five or six young deer. She is a good one, I have feed her and all of them all year long.


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What County are you in, in the Panhandle?

I've had pics of Very Young Fawns that had to have been just dropped in late August through early September in Washington County. Our Rut for the most part runs the Middle of February and Does can still be getting bred into March.

Personally if it still has Spots, I'm passing Moma.