Would anybody be interested in a atv drill?


Active Member
Theres a couple of older drills coming up on an auction nearby, they would be John Deeres. I'm thinking about picking one up and building a pair of ATV drills, one for myself and one to sell. No idea on price, depends on what the drill brings. But it would be half the drill price plus materials and maybe a little for labor. It would be either rope lift or using a 12v electric liner actuator. I would guess final price would be around $750 but could be less. They have the regular seed box as well as the small seed/grass box

Itd be easier to buy if I knew itd be an easy sell.
If I didn't already have a conventional drill, I would be.
I did like you are talking about and cut a twenty foot down
to ten. Works very well and was a lot cheaper than an official
"No Till".
Good luck with your project.
I've kind of want one for my Sub Compact tractor, 4.5 feet would be about the right size. I'm not going to Nebraska to pick one up though. ;)
Possibly, and I wouldn't mind going to Nebraska. Heck, I'm out here right now matter of fact.
Could you make one for a 3 point hitch? Kind of like a knock of Gensis like the Growing Deer guys use.
I have a JD drill that would be easy to split and hope to get done when it gets warmer,only issue is not having the wheels to turn the drill