It seems like a long time since I have update this thread so thought I would today. Son and I will be Muzzleloader hunting October 20-21, and I'm really looking forward to it.
My cover is good this year:
This is an an old deer with a bruiser of a body that has moved in recently. I hope he doesn't murder my other deer...

I really want us to take the 14 point, but it would be hard to pass a shot at this one. Any age guesses??
Nothing has changed with these two. They aren't together anymore, and I get daylight pics of both of them.
Why is it that the little deer are always the ones fighting. Maybe the big ones learn better???
This is what's left of chestnuts when the deer finish with them:
These late apples are delicious:
This buckwheat came back from seed from the plants. I threw wheat in it and mowed. Now I have wheat and buckwheat together.
One of my sawtooth trees is starting to drop but the others are holding tight still. Looks like I have some late droppers.
Deer clean up every one of these that hits the ground. I love persimmons.
That's about it guys. Wish us luck on Oct 20!