I'm going to plant more WR this Fall, when is the best time to plant in VA? Also, I hear of people staggering their plantings, is 2 weeks enough time between planting or should I plan for 3 weeks between plantings?
I'm going to plant more WR this Fall, when is the best time to plant in VA? Also, I hear of people staggering their plantings, is 2 weeks enough time between planting or should I plan for 3 weeks between plantings?
I’m in VA too. Not too far from Roanoke. I plant near Labor Day depending on forecasted rain.
Not sure what you mean on staggered plantings. Do you mean overseeding a plot that you planted 2 weeks ago?
I only seed again if I don’t get a good stand, which VERY rarely happens. In my zone, I plant the middle of September. But I’ve had great success planting as late as the first week of October. Sorry, I guess on a mobile device my zone doesn’t show — 6.
I’m in VA too. Not too far from Roanoke. I plant near Labor Day depending on forecasted rain.
Not sure what you mean on staggered plantings. Do you mean overseeding a plot that you planted 2 weeks ago?
I've heard guys planting WR then going back again & replanting more a few weeks later for no other reason than to have WR at different stages of palatability. I would think a month apart (or more?) would be a better timeframe than just a few weeks...