Well-Known Member
This is the first year where I've really used cameras for monitoring so I thought I'd start a journal of buck travel activity and wind correlation. Anybody else do this? Have you noticed specific patterns? I'm still learning how deer use my property and where the best spots are to hang cameras so I didn't get a whole lot of buck pics but I think I can still learn from what I have so far. Plus it is more of pass through property as opposed to a "home" for the local buck population. I hope to change that in the coming years. The one thing I was surprised at from the pictures I was able to get was how few bucks were walking directly into the wind. Many seemed to be walking with a cross wind blowing from the side instead of in their face and I was also surprised to see how much movement there was on the extremely calm days. I used Weather Underground to get the historical wind speed and direction at the time of movement captured by each camera. Here is my list below.