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My grandfather turned 80 this May. His health was very poor this spring and we almost lost him. He is now back to his old self; fishing, cutting firewood, and dreaming of the the November rut that he thought he would never experience again. This is man that taught me to love the bay of the hound, the set of the hook, God' wild areas, and the creatures and plants that surround us. He is reason that I feel most at home and alive alone in the woods.
My dad, grandfather, and I share the hunter's bond. The disparity of the one that got away. The high of dropping the beast in his tracks. The pride when a good plan comes together.
I now get to be the mentor to my young son and teach him to carry on our family tradition. Honor your mentor here and leave us tips on what works and what does not in passing on our passion. I have lots great tips that I will write on. At a time when the boasting of hunting and fishing tails around the campfire is dying, keep the hunter's and the fisherman's reputation for telling his tales alive.
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