I am now 77 years old and have successfully hunted deer in many states over a lot of years.
New club composed of 14 hunters, on 1300 acres, all paper company land near Fargo, Ga. (South Ga.) There were existing blinds on the place, but had not been hunted for 5 years. (Should this have told me something?) My part of the lease fee was $900, which included rights to put my trailer on the property from Sept. through Jan.
My son and I put out 4 trail cams and only later moved one because of a light showing of deer and pigs coming to eat corn bait, cast down by auto feeders. Early on the night time visits by deer to eat corn was not heavy but in the range of one to four deer coming in most nights. Two were decent 8 or 10 point bucks, seen 2 or 3 times, all at night.
We erected four ladder stands, overlooking the feeders. Viewing the photos, showed deer coming in the dark to feed on corn and an occasional daylight photo. There was a mixture of deer and pigs and sometimes both within one day.
No one scored during bow or primitive gunning season. My son and I did not actively hunt until the beginning of rifle season. During the first week of Nov. my son took a 4 point buck and three others killed doe. Little did we know, those 4 deer would be all that would be brought in, up to this date, Dec.4, 2019.
Immediately following what had been a light "Rut" in early Nov., deer stopped showing on the trail cams and corn was eaten only by pigs. During the 2nd and 3rd week of Nov. 4 or 5 members took a week off and hunted. No one saw deer and the cams no longer showed anything other than an occasional antlerless deer at night. All 14 members hunted, most of them on weekends only.
Where did the deer go?
There have been a number of theories put forth: (1) A number of members have regularly heard shots late at night. Are there poachers killing off deer, using lights? (2) We all see pig hunters park their trucks on the edges of our lease and turn dogs loose to catch pigs to sell to preserves. Are dogs, not recognizing our lease, pushing deer into the thickest, swampiest areas on our lease? (3) Poor feed on the land that is only producing planted pines simply too poor to hold a decent deer herd?
No one has signed on for next year. Some of us have banded together and are looking for greener pastures to lease next year.
What do you think?
Steven in DeLand, FL
New club composed of 14 hunters, on 1300 acres, all paper company land near Fargo, Ga. (South Ga.) There were existing blinds on the place, but had not been hunted for 5 years. (Should this have told me something?) My part of the lease fee was $900, which included rights to put my trailer on the property from Sept. through Jan.
My son and I put out 4 trail cams and only later moved one because of a light showing of deer and pigs coming to eat corn bait, cast down by auto feeders. Early on the night time visits by deer to eat corn was not heavy but in the range of one to four deer coming in most nights. Two were decent 8 or 10 point bucks, seen 2 or 3 times, all at night.
We erected four ladder stands, overlooking the feeders. Viewing the photos, showed deer coming in the dark to feed on corn and an occasional daylight photo. There was a mixture of deer and pigs and sometimes both within one day.
No one scored during bow or primitive gunning season. My son and I did not actively hunt until the beginning of rifle season. During the first week of Nov. my son took a 4 point buck and three others killed doe. Little did we know, those 4 deer would be all that would be brought in, up to this date, Dec.4, 2019.
Immediately following what had been a light "Rut" in early Nov., deer stopped showing on the trail cams and corn was eaten only by pigs. During the 2nd and 3rd week of Nov. 4 or 5 members took a week off and hunted. No one saw deer and the cams no longer showed anything other than an occasional antlerless deer at night. All 14 members hunted, most of them on weekends only.
Where did the deer go?
There have been a number of theories put forth: (1) A number of members have regularly heard shots late at night. Are there poachers killing off deer, using lights? (2) We all see pig hunters park their trucks on the edges of our lease and turn dogs loose to catch pigs to sell to preserves. Are dogs, not recognizing our lease, pushing deer into the thickest, swampiest areas on our lease? (3) Poor feed on the land that is only producing planted pines simply too poor to hold a decent deer herd?
No one has signed on for next year. Some of us have banded together and are looking for greener pastures to lease next year.
What do you think?
Steven in DeLand, FL