Wheat/oats too big

can they get to a point where they are too big and deer will not eat them. planted them after labor day like i always due but all this rain has got them jumping. cant trim them back due to brassica blend in the same fields.

can they get to a point where they are too big and deer will not eat them. planted them after labor day like i always due but all this rain has got them jumping. cant trim them back due to brassica blend in the same fields.

As long as it's green and leafy you should be fine. If they push a seed head out all the way and drop their leaves, it's too far. Where you located?

I planted July 25 and wish I'd have gone even a little sooner. I think. Still haven't had a grain killing frost.
I've had oats in Louisiana do that. They got a foot tall and the deer stopped using them. But, there was a lot of other food around too. I think that has a lot to do with it. It's going to depend on other available food. The most palatable part of oats/wheat/rye/triticale is where it puts on new growth. ...the bottom.
Up north that's usually not a problem, the cold weather stunts the grain and keeps it at a palatable height all winter. If planted too early I mow it, however, if it's in a brassica mix obviously that will cost a lot of brassica growth. This would be a good reason to plant the two different species in separate strips so that they can be managed better with mowing and spraying.
I have planted wheat in southern AR labor day weekend and if it rains soon after planting - the wheat will get big and tough and usage drops way off. I have had foot tall wheat in late Oct - and the deer dont favor that. They will eat them late in the year when food becomes scarce