What's worse than a drought?


Staff member
A hurricane! I planned on planting about 20 acres of food plots this week, but those plans have been scratched until we know where Hurricane Matthew is going. The latest runs have it coming really close to us here in Charleston. Lots of batteries and candles on the way...
Hope you get a pass on this storm. I have a niece that lives in Charleston too.

I remember Grant Woods showing how "Hugo" changed the deer woods at the TN Deer Classic years ago. We decided that looked like a bomb blew everything on top of itself.

Good luck friend.
We are in a warning this afternoon. The radio said to expect: 75mph winds, large and destructive hail, heavy rains, and tornadoes. I could do without three of those!
I hope you dodge the hurricane, no good comes out of that much destruction.

We are in a warning this afternoon. The radio said to expect: 75mph winds, large and destructive hail, heavy rains, and tornadoes. I could do without three of those!
The wind howled yesterday didnt it! Felt more like a spring day than early fall. We had winds around 40mph most of afternoon and evening. Just sprinkled here which is what we normally get.
I agree even if I have joked it would end the drought but I didn't mean it. Looks like much of southern coast will get hammered with at least rain. I have a place in MB and guess may have to do followup trip to make sure no damage. Good luck.
The only good thing a hurricane has a drought doesn't is its short lived, nothing is worse than a drought that lasts years like the really bad one we had in 2011-2013
I hope you dodge the hurricane, no good comes out of that much destruction.

The wind howled yesterday didnt it! Felt more like a spring day than early fall. We had winds around 40mph most of afternoon and evening. Just sprinkled here which is what we normally get.

We had a great evening. Very little wind and cool temps. Those 40mph winds can sure make a tree stand sway!
I hope all you boys on the east coast are safe. The deer plots and the like can wait. Far more important things to worry about right now.
Hope you get a pass on this storm. I have a niece that lives in Charleston too.

I remember Grant Woods showing how "Hugo" changed the deer woods at the TN Deer Classic years ago. We decided that looked like a bomb blew everything on top of itself.

Good luck friend.

I have a buddy/mentor who talks about Hugo every time we've gone into the Francis Marion NF. Hugo's forestry work helped the deer herd but changed the forest's look permanently.

There's a honey hole of his in one of the units that he refers to as "ankle buster" for how bad it was in there the first few years after.
A hurricane! I planned on planting about 20 acres of food plots this week, but those plans have been scratched until we know where Hurricane Matthew is going. The latest runs have it coming really close to us here in Charleston. Lots of batteries and candles on the way...

Yeah, Hermione interrupted our season due to river flooding; our roads go completely underwater for a few days once the NOAA website says its above 11 feet.
Be safe everyone. Water can be a devastating thing I am guessing the #1 most devastating thing mother nature can throw at us. Then you throw the wind from a hurricane and rising tides into the mix and things can't get hairy in a hurry. Take care
My daughter lives just north of Charleston. School is shut down. She is high tailing northwest shortly.
Never thought much about the effects hurricanes have on the deer herd. Thats gotta be like the end of times for them.
I got a similar situation, planted 3 weeks ago and prayed for rain because I had a dust bowl. Well, got the right amount of rain to get everything growing then came 9 inches of rain and flooded many of the low areas. Now, water is reseeding and in comes the hurricane.

What is the shape of your hunting land post hurricane?

Hope things have improved significantly.

Everything is fine, Wayne. Thanks for asking. My dad deserves the credit for cleaning up our family property. We lost countless water oaks, and he's been on the trackho ever since. Lots of smoke over our place from all the fires.

The property that we used to own that I still hunt suffered mostly storm surge damage and uprooted trees. It's not too bad though.

The deer don't seem bothered by surviving a hurricane one bit. Both of my big bucks were chasing does within days of the storm.