What weed is this?


Active Member
I thought this was wild mint at first but not sure now. Looking a pics of mint and it seems as though the flowers are all on the main stalk and this has the flower clusters on their own stems.
That looks like Mist Flower (Conoclinium coelestinum). I don't have time to double check myself tonight, but you can look it up and see if that's it.
That looks like Mist Flower (Conoclinium coelestinum). I don't have time to double check myself tonight, but you can look it up and see if that's it.
You are correct. I have only found a few of these plants. Supposed to be beneficial for bees and butterflies. Pretty plant but it can become a problem according to what I read. At least it is better looking than all of the horse nettle I have been fighting:eek: