very similar to what Tap said. I like to aim right in the middle of the lungs, so a bout 5 ribs from the back of the rib cage. I think people get too cute with their shots trying to slip it in right behind that front shoulder and hit the shoulder blade more often than needed. There is so much room back their filled with lungs, and people give themselves about 2" of room for error when they try to slip it in there. They hit 2 " back one way, perfect shot... 2" the other way, they lose the deer. If they would have aimed middle of the lungs, they would have about 5" of error in both directions, and maybe more if they hit back in the paunch. Not ideal, but if they know where they hit, and back out, they will still recover the deer. Too far forward, they claim they " smoked it" and little blood and no recovery.
I talked with a guy that had a blood tracking dog once. He said if they call him and they didn't find the deer when they crushed it, or " perfect shot" he will find < 5% of those deer. People who say they hit it back, and backed out, he gets almost all of those deer.
Some of it is knowing where you hit and knowing when to go after the animal, and some of it is crowding that shoulder.
Biggest buck I ever shot at, and only buck I've wounded so far with a bow, I did that. So close I tried to heart shoot it, instead of my normal double lung. Lesson learned. Didn't miss by much.... SHOULD be staring at a upper 160's mount on my wall while typing this