What do you say to anti-hunters?


I occasionally end up in a conversation with anti-hunters who "want to talk." Pretty rare in this part of the world, but last week it happened twice--once on my way back to my truck during bow season, and once at a chili feed at a friend of a friend's house.

What do YOU say to people when this happens to you? I'm not out to inflate my own ego or make someone feel stupid. I'd rather win hearts and minds.

Things I've said this time and in the past:
  1. "Well I didn't have any luck today, so I'm pretty sure the deer feel the same way you do." (humor)
  2. "I can tell you why I hunt and why hunting is important to me if you're interested. (individual vs stereotype)
  3. "What's your objection to hunting?" (showing respect by listening and also figuring out what to say in response)
  4. Try to surprise them with some relevant stats or observations about animal physiology
In my state (NH), I try to track the deer harvest and the number of permits issued. So if someone's objection is, "the poor helpless animals," I ask them to guess what percentage of deer hunters are successful every year. Most are surprised when it's below 18% (deer harvested/hunting licenses issued).

All of this is better than nothing, but I have no doubt there are better ways. Thoughts?
I occasionally end up in a conversation with anti-hunters who "want to talk." Pretty rare in this part of the world, but last week it happened twice--once on my way back to my truck during bow season, and once at a chili feed at a friend of a friend's house.

What do YOU say to people when this happens to you? I'm not out to inflate my own ego or make someone feel stupid. I'd rather win hearts and minds.

Things I've said this time and in the past:
  1. "Well I didn't have any luck today, so I'm pretty sure the deer feel the same way you do." (humor)
  2. "I can tell you why I hunt and why hunting is important to me if you're interested. (individual vs stereotype)
  3. "What's your objection to hunting?" (showing respect by listening and also figuring out what to say in response)
  4. Try to surprise them with some relevant stats or observations about animal physiology
In my state (NH), I try to track the deer harvest and the number of permits issued. So if someone's objection is, "the poor helpless animals," I ask them to guess what percentage of deer hunters are successful every year how can you show respect for non-hunters. Most are surprised when it's below 18% (deer harvested/hunting licenses issued).

All of this is better than nothing, but I have no doubt there are better ways. Thoughts?
thank you for your response and thoughts
I've converted quite a few anti-hunters. None of them were severe PETA/HSUS activist types, they were just normal city folks that didn't have a hunting heritage and were misinformed. The first step was befriending them. Without that, it is just two opposing folks talking and nobody listening. Step two was to invite them over for dinner. My wife would use here best recipe on venison loin. Most of the time the response after dinner was "Where did you buy that steak? I've never had any better!". My response was just a casual, "That was venison I shot last year. We process it ourselves. Most of our red meat is venison because it is so low in fat."

The discussion then tends to take a turn toward sustainability and eating local and such. We generally offer them some frozen venison along with cooking instructions at the end of the evening.

It usually isn't long before they are calling my wife and asking when I'm going hunting again.

The hard core activists types already have their minds made up. It is much more effective to focus on folks who just don't know any better. The last thing I'd do is argue with folks. They immediately stop listening and begin thinking about how to justify their position and how they are going to respond to your argument. It just solidifies them in their position.
We need to turn the lawbreaker in to the authorities:
  • The taking of amphibians and reptiles shall be only by hand capture, including the use of hand-held nets.
  • Snapping turtles may only be taken if less than 6 inches or 12 to 15 inches in length, as measured along the top of the carapace.
Here is the link to where a post with the exact same wording showed up on another forum in 2019 by someone using a different name and claiming to be from Vermont:

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I think it’s a bot Jack, and I confess I don’t know the reason behind it.

In other news, my business partner’s wife once asked me as we were eating dinner out, “How can you shoot those beautiful deer”. Being the ass that I am I said, “I like to do my own killing, rather than hiring it done”. She was eating a ribeye at the time. 😜 Since she got flustered at that, I followed up with, “Do you think that cow gave up the hide for your purse willingly ?” That subject was closed and never came up again. I don’t judge out loud, and resent those that do.
I think it’s a bot Jack, and I confess I don’t know the reason behind it.

In other news, my business partner’s wife once asked me as we were eating dinner out, “How can you shoot those beautiful deer”. Being the ass that I am I said, “I like to do my own killing, rather than hiring it done”. She was eating a ribeye at the time. 😜 Since she got flustered at that, I followed up with, “Do you think that cow gave up the hide for your purse willingly ?” That subject was closed and never came up again. I don’t judge out loud, and resent those that do.
Probably a PETA-bot... :) Seriously, my guess is testing. I'd guess they are now using AI to make bot posts so it is harder to detect that it is a bot..