This pic sums it up

cutman, what are you using in the nesting box for bedding ? I have a small pond that woodies frequent and I'm thinking of putting up a couple boxes for them. Thanks !
cutman, what are you using in the nesting box for bedding ? I have a small pond that woodies frequent and I'm thinking of putting up a couple boxes for them. Thanks !

Cedar shavings. You can get them at Tractor Supply for cheap.
Cedar shavings. You can get them at Tractor Supply for cheap.

Thanks, my nesting box is on the way. Do you put a coon guard on yours ? I read somewhere that you can make one out of metal flashing so I'll probably go that route since the commercial ones are almost as costly as the box. Thanks !
Yes, predator guards are essential. If you aren’t going to put a guard up, don’t put a box up.
Great couple of pics Cutman! Doesn't get much better than the combination of all that going on. I've never thought to put a wood duck box on a water hole.