Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I've reached a point with a little food plot I have been messing with where I would like to shift gears. I am giving up on trying to plot a 3/4 acre strip of ground due to time limitations, lack of interest and a few other factors. I let it go fallow last year and the amount of lambsquarter and giant ragweed was astounding. I would like to put this back to some native grass species and I fear letting it go will result in a strip of brome if I do nothing. It is a strip of ground that sits between what will eventually be bottom fields planted to deer food and a pasture that is devoid of any cover. The pasture is primarily little bluestem, big bluestem and indiangrass. I want it to be a strip of taller grasses. Is a stand of pure switchgrass better than a mix of several of the taller grass species? What this will do is give me a chance to try my hand at planting native grasses with plenty of time to react to any mistakes I make. If I can get it established it will also provide cover for several species since that is something we lack. Thoughts?