Suggestions Please!

You should post that stuff in the habitat forum. There is actually a sub-forum for land tours in there as well. When the board gets busier we will moved the land tours into the dedicated sub forum.
If Tim has access to other unrelated forums with member bases who might be interested in deer management….then I think it would be a great idea to write a few paragraphs telling about who we are and why this forum is being created….and then post it up for all the eyes to see on those other forums linking them here. Might give it a week or so to get things up and going a little more here first and then start “posting flyers”.
I was wondering if a section on deer biology/rut/antlers would be good, I found a lot of info under that section in the QDMA forum very useful
My suggestion would be to be careful and not chop the forum up into too many subforums right now. For an infant forum I think you would be better off in the beginning to not have so many so that ALL eyes see each persons questions, comments, etc......then grow from there.

I agree. Too many just creates more confusion.

Always seemed like there was interestin Google Earth, new aerial imagery, maps, topos, one the other-site-not-to-be-named, but I'm reluctant to suggest a subform. A thread in General Discussion will probably suffice....unless there's overwhelming interest. Maybe take the suggestions, complie a list and have users select ten? Highest counts get status? Reevaluate periodically?
Regarding EDIT features: A poster can edit the title of his post, but not the content. We need an edit button for the content. Also, there's no provision for a person who adds a comment to a post to edit his comment.
I just double checked the "Permissions" for all members and it looks like everyone should be able to edit their own posts. Could someone else please try to edit one of their posts and see if it's possible?
I can edit my post and have done it numerous times. I tend to type fast and later after I post something I will go back and correct my mistakes.
Write it down first and write it right second is how I roll...
My mistake - tunnel vision. I was looking for a colored edit button at the top of the post and totally missed the edit/delete/report line under the body of the post.
I would like to upload files from my computer and post pictures.

So far the best that I can do is have an attachment link that leads to an error page in the preview.

It might not hurt to make a read-only “Welcome” at the top of the home page for brand new users that told them a little about the forum….maybe a simple line or two about code of conduct…..and then end it by encouraging them to take the initial step by creating an introduction thread in the general forum telling a little bit about themselves. I think a lot of people are hesitant about taking that first step and it would help to try and “lead” them in.
How about a " Using the Forum" section where any questions can be asked regarding usage as well as stickies for basics such as uploading photos, quotes, etc
Being a forester I tried to answer forestry related questions whenever I saw them. That being said, I know some got by and were buried before I could see the. A section for "Ask a Forester" where questions about timber management or timber harvesting could be answered might be helpful.
Thanks for all the effort, cutman. I agree with C&C that we shouldn't overdue the categories, but...
How about a subcategory under the Trail Camera heading for Age and Score requests. Its getting near that time that the Trail Camera area will get overloaded with them. For those asking for specific help, it would be like the Plant ID category.
Another suggestion, not sure if it has been mentioned or not, but with hunting season right around the corner maybe a bragging board section would be good where a user can post pics of game taken
We are going to do something like that. There is already a forum for hunting stories...I imagined that would be the place. We are also going to add a "live from the stand" section so people can post I real time.
We are going to do something like that. There is already a forum for hunting stories...I imagined that would be the place. We are also going to add a "live from the stand" section so people can post I real time.
Thanks for the Age and Score subcategory under trail cameras. I tried to get it started (and give myself some posting practice) with my camera pull from last week. Posting and editing erroneous posts is very easy. I really like your format as will others once they practice a little. It can be hard sometimes teaching old dogs new tricks. Keep up the good work!
I would like to upload files from my computer and post pictures.

So far the best that I can do is have an attachment link that leads to an error page in the preview.

At first I didn't notice it either but you can upload a file and insert it fairly easy on the blue tabs.