I'm back in the wood,
Heading north through the wood, to the right some hinge cuts and my property line 40 or so yards over. To the left the area that I waylaid red maples, I believe, 3 summers ago.
In this area of regeneration, I have lots of little oaks that would soon be shaded out by red maple resprouts, and a serious load of ash sprouts. This is why this year will be the year of fire, returning fire to the landscape.
Im cutting out a trail that will double as a fire break. The trail will also serve as an alternative for deer to circle back on my property instead of exiting out the main ridge trail.
I'm hinge cutting maples along the property line.
Looking out into the neighboring lease into the barren understory.
Looking in at a bunch of maples to be cutoff and turned into mineral stumps (reference Dr. Marcus Lashley). We have always cut off trees and let them grow back as deer browse but it was Marcus who did the nutritive analysis of the browse cut stumps and found them to be packed with 10x-30x the nutritive value of the browse from the original tree. All of the nutrients that would be going up into the tree is now going up into fresh sprouts. When I first saw his videos titled mineral stumps, I thought that he was just talking about stumps with a bag of minerals dumped on it. The trees on the ground in the fore were supposed to be big hinges but they broke off the other day when it was below freezing out.
Trails getting cut
This trail joins a skid trail that drops all the way down into the cabin food plot.
With out the maples I will be left with white oaks, hickories, and mineral stumps, a spot with good habitat and hunting potential.