Well, I've taken inventory. I posted this on another thread but I'll repeat it here. I purchased stock from a local nursery, and what I received was much smaller than expected. I bought hackberry, yellow birch, and bur oak. The hackberry were less than 1 mm caliper, really tiny. The yellow birch were also really small and were potted - they had almost no roots. 1/2 - 2/3 of these are now toast with all the rain or the gly (still undetermined). Maybe 1 out of 6 of these look healthy.
Funny enough, the bur oak were only 2" - 4" plugs. But those tough little guys are hanging on with all the rain. Some look great, up to 7" - 9", some are still two-leaved plugs. But 90% are alive.
I also have had trouble with the red maple. About 15% never did anything and just sat in the ground dead. Of those that are alive, nearly all them are putting on secondary sprouts from the stump. Only 1 or 2 are growing from the terminal buds as they should.