Does your state allow spotlighting? If so are you in favor and your reasons.If opposed what are your reasons.
Thank you. Your question caused me to think about it more than I had in the past. Because of the poaching issue I have on rare occasion, my knee-jerk reaction is to simply make the act of using the light in that manner against the law. However, that is a similar response to those wanting to ban guns because guns hurt people. I am a strong 2A supporter, so, gun, light, vehicle or the's how it's used and the PERSON that is responsible. Until you can convince me that the light itself....drove to the field and chose to shoot that deer.....I see no point in making the light or the act of using it against the law. The person they need to be drug out into the street and beaten with a stick!Jbird, well put response,I like your style.We too have many shots after dark and also find crossbow bolts in fields.Hogs are another thing,so far we don't have any but I would sure like to try that sometime.