Small No Till Clover Test Plot

I bet even Doug has never seen anything like this, and he has seen a little bit of everything.:D

A lesson we learn from something like this is that sometimes the seed bank needs to be somewhat exhausted before we get desired results. What is our goal and what are the obstacles? Remove the obstacles and attain the goal. This doesn't have to be passion flower. It can be lots of things.

That pic makes me forget about my thistle. Funny about plants tho, not sure we can ever truly grasp any of them in their importance in the over all scheme. As I sweated to spray and mow my patches of erupting thistle last week , I felt a little bad in that the blooms were being attacked by bees and every butterfly and moth imaginable. Sometimes I think I may be a bit selfish even as much as I try to accept certain plants that I detest.
That pic makes me forget about my thistle. Funny about plants tho, not sure we can ever truly grasp any of them in their importance in the over all scheme. As I sweated to spray and mow my patches of erupting thistle last week , I felt a little bad in that the blooms were being attacked by bees and every butterfly and moth imaginable. Sometimes I think I may be a bit selfish even as much as I try to accept certain plants that I detest.

dogghr, one of the many things that I have come to appreciate about you is how you think about everything in the grand scheme of things.

It was interesting how two things you mentioned above caught my attention - The first was "sweat" and the other was "thistles." I had just recently been thinking about the curse in Genesis where those exact same two words were used - "...thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground...."

But, it's interesting that our blessings here outweigh the curse, because at least we are able to deal with it.

What's worse are the curses we bring on ourselves that we can create but can't deal with. See there - you may keep working on me until I get to thinking deeper too....;)
For an old gown up pasture, you need to get existing vegetation down low and dead going into a fall planting to promote clover and by all means include cereal rye as a nurse crop to help suppress spring weeds. Spring weeds are inevitable when stable pasture is terminated in fall...hard to predict what you will deal with. Persistence of clover will be higher if the necessary lime and potash are added when the old pasture is mowed in fall....then spray regrowth a few weeks later and plant. Depending on soil fertility it may take a few years to see improved persistence. I want to emphasize and earlier comment.....clover likes to have the exiting competition beat down!
Well now I feel my work is more of biblical proportions, and couldn't get that comment off my mind as I did just a little work at farm yesterday. I took some pics but almost embarrassed to show the, tho I will, since drought has took its toll on new plantings. Thankgoodness they were no till. If I had that much dirt exposed for this long I would be crying. I was going to finish this weekend but with dry forecast for 2 more weeks, I'm holding off. NWS says this weather thru Oct. Hope they are wrong.
Well now I feel my work is more of biblical proportions, and couldn't get that comment off my mind as I did just a little work at farm yesterday. I took some pics but almost embarrassed to show the, tho I will, since drought has took its toll on new plantings. Thankgoodness they were no till. If I had that much dirt exposed for this long I would be crying. I was going to finish this weekend but with dry forecast for 2 more weeks, I'm holding off. NWS says this weather thru Oct. Hope they are wrong.

Our rain forecast is bleak at best too.... Almost like Elijah has spoken.

Good luck on the plots................