Well-Known Member
Last fall I decided a little late in the game that I wanted to try throw and mow for a food plot. My dad had a little (~1.5 acre) area of grass that he said I could do with as I see fit. The ground is poor, shallow soil and there is what we call wiregrass everywhere. I didn't have time to pull a soil test so I bought all the clearance food plot seed Tractor Supply had and went to town. I sprayed gly on about .5 acres of it, spread all of this BoB seed, and some fertilizer I got for free from our county Household hazardous waste department. I didn't get to mow as the gly hadn't had any time to do its thing. Well, it wasn't a total failure. Some clover came in really good in one small strip. Some random brassicas (BoB mix) grew to some extent and there was a good stand of ryegrass. Yes ryegrass! I have since sprayed and killed every last stem onf the ryegrass.
Early this spring I talked my dad into rolling out some junk hay he wasn't using over a quite a bit of the plot to build some OM. May 15th I broadcast buckwheat on the plot. Well, I hadn't used the spreader before and I ended up with 2-50' long strips of crowded buckwheat. There was a fair amount of forbs growing in there this summer. I let most of them grow and "weeded" (see what I did there?) out some of the more undesireable species. Last Thursday I spread a mix containing PTT, daikon radish, DER, kale, forage oats, red and white clover, and 200lbs. of 13-13-13. Note: the plot was expanded to ~.75 acres by now. I took our rotary mower down and actually mowed it this year. As I parked the tractor in the shed it began to sprinkle and we ended up getting 3/4" of rain 15 minutes after I mowed it.

Notice the green bushy plant toward the right of the last picture? It is a yellow squash that I didn't plant or take care of, but we have picked 5 of the best squash so far!
Early this spring I talked my dad into rolling out some junk hay he wasn't using over a quite a bit of the plot to build some OM. May 15th I broadcast buckwheat on the plot. Well, I hadn't used the spreader before and I ended up with 2-50' long strips of crowded buckwheat. There was a fair amount of forbs growing in there this summer. I let most of them grow and "weeded" (see what I did there?) out some of the more undesireable species. Last Thursday I spread a mix containing PTT, daikon radish, DER, kale, forage oats, red and white clover, and 200lbs. of 13-13-13. Note: the plot was expanded to ~.75 acres by now. I took our rotary mower down and actually mowed it this year. As I parked the tractor in the shed it began to sprinkle and we ended up getting 3/4" of rain 15 minutes after I mowed it.

Notice the green bushy plant toward the right of the last picture? It is a yellow squash that I didn't plant or take care of, but we have picked 5 of the best squash so far!