RootTrapper Bag Suggestions


Active Member
I have been using roottrapper bags, (8 inch diameter and 11 inches high), for about 10 years. They are great for growing trees and then planting them out in the field. They retain moisture well and create a dense rootball. Removing the trees from the bags has not been that easy. I want to re-use the bags as they are not cheap. My method is to turn the bag inside out to remove the tree. First I use a knife to cut around the circumference inside the bag. This releases the roots that tend to adhere to the sides, then I roll the bag inside out starting at the top. This process tends to be accompanied with grunts and groans as the bag slowly peels away from the rootball. I use a post to stabilize the bottom of the bag and then a pair of clippers to release the roots from the bottom of the bag.
Some trees are just too old and I should remove them sooner, but I have the same issue with trees planted in the bags 6 months ago.
Any one else using this method? Any suggestions to make this easier?
I have used these in the past.

I used the 12 month ones and just planted bag and all. Not sure how well it worked though. I needed up removing the bags on most of them though as I got worried it might constrict the roots even though they are supposed to break down. They were very easy to remove though as they are much thinner than the rootmaker bags. Now I just direct seed as I have found that a direct seeded tree will catch up to a root pruned tree within about 3-5 years.


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X2 with Matt on that rootpouch I used the same thing. Planted just fine in the spring when the trees were young, but I planted some later on and had to cut the bags to remove the tree. Good product and a lot cheaper that the rootmaker brand.
I've used the same thing some I've planted with the bag in tact. Some I just cuts down the sides and across the bottom. Others I've removed the bag. All seemed to do ok.
The 12 month ones absolutely start falling apart after one growing season. However, don’t get the 3-5 year ones expecting to be able to reuse them. You can but it’s just not worth it in the long run when you consider the amount of time it takes to remove the bag from the tree.


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Excellent. Thanks guys. These look promising. Looks like I will have a new toy to play with next spring. Sometimes I wonder WTH am I doing with all the nuts that now number around 250.. Dunstans, Burgamble, DCO, Chinkapin, White, Hickory, Scarlet and some nine bark .. oh-boy.. :)