Well-Known Member
My only point with this thread is the question: Would you rather shoot this deer as a youngster believing you make any impact in the genetic diversity of a deer herd or let him grow older where he will invariably be a more attractive harvest?
Let him grow. In Kansas where we only get one buck tag, a guy could spend his lifetime "culling" genetically inferior bucks and never reap the benefits. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but my biggest problem with culling is the does. If she carries half the genes, how on earth could you ever predict what impact is possible. By harvesting does for population control you could also be taking out some of your best genetics without even knowing it. Keep them healthy and let them get old. I hunt hard for the biggest buck I can find. There are a lot of years I never see a buck that I want to take. It has never crossed my mind to cull a buck I don't like. Maybe it is because I am an optimist and would like to think they all have a chance to be something special someday. Mother Nature has a way of make us look silly all too often.