Chainsaw - have you had any other issues posting on this site?
No Okie, except for the problem in the spring of pictures not loading which has since been corrected on my end everything is working fine. It has been an extremely dry and hot summer for here so a lot of time is being spent in a cooler place like at the water.Chainsaw - have you had any other issues posting on this site?
Yikes Steve!! That is unbelievable growth; I had no idea that grafts could grow that fast. Thanks on the C.A.R. comment but I have little to do with it; most apple trees here have some resistance. However I'm beginning to suspect that some years each tree can respond differently to Cedar Rust. Some trees here are not normally affected but some years those same trees are affected minimally and of course we only share those apple tree cuttings that show the resistance trait. Definitely I'd expect apples on that one next year.Dave, I had to show you this tree. This is your scion wood from last year. Actually, this isn't the largest one. There is one more that has grown bigger than this one. It wouldn't surprise me to see apples on these next year.
PS: You did a good job picking trees that were CAR resistant. The leaves on all of them are spotless. The tree in the picture stands a few feet away from a Goldrush that came close to dying from CAR this year.
That will be fun Jeremy. I'll keep it in mind this fall as we see which apple trees are measuring up as the winners this year which is a good year to take notes as not all trees are producing this season.Dave I may need to get some of your special scions this year. I started grafting this year and had good success at home but total failure at camp. The failures were all top works but I have a bunch of rootstock that will be in the ground three years next spring. I have them all caged up and should be great for grafting next year. I just have to figure out how to get them through the first winter without the snow pack breaking the grafts. I am thinking 2’ tubes, they seem to hold up in the snow pack. I grafted my favorite local tree this year and I have one more I want to try next year but I would love to spread some of your favorite trees on the Hill.
You are right Dogghr,Know you too well Chainsaw, I know those deer are well fed even if it were only your natural browse and mast. Good luck.