Propane heater


Well-Known Member
My uncle got me a little propane heater that holds a one pound can of propane to use for late season if it's real cold.

Can I use it in a blind?
What is average run time you get out of one of these little heaters?
Yes you can use it in a ventilated blind. I got one for a gift couple years ago. Runs 8-20 hours at least on a tank. I don't use mine often.
Also heats a sandwich wrapped in aluminumum foil really well.:cool:

Well I tried it for a test run. It tosses good heat but boy does it smell. Idk how often I'll use it. Maybe it just needs to burn off?
always smells worse on new heater burning all the oil. It will get better. I use them non stop in my pop up blinds and tower blinds when it is cold. I don't feel like the smell has ever bothered the deer. Heck, if they can smell that then more than likely they are smelling you. I get about 6 hours out of a 1# cylinder. I love mine!
always smells worse on new heater burning all the oil. It will get better. I use them non stop in my pop up blinds and tower blinds when it is cold. I don't feel like the smell has ever bothered the deer. Heck, if they can smell that then more than likely they are smelling you. I get about 6 hours out of a 1# cylinder. I love mine!

thank you! We have muzzy season coming up and I figure it'll probably be in the 20s if we are lucky. I am hoping to use that heater for sure.
I have one and I can get between 4 to 6 hours of use out of one bottle. The fumes need to be able to vent outside, but I always hunt with the wind in my favor even in a blind so the scent isn't as big of an issue for me. I love mine.
I use one for ice fishing. I run it for 20 minutes at a time then turn it off til I get cold. Even below zero in a tent I can't leave it on all the time or it gets to hot.
I have MS with muscle spasm problems and can't be chilled. I use a MR Heater Buddy with a hose adapter off a 20 Lb. tank.
Never noticed a smell. Anyway the deer walk down wind of me at 20-30 yds and never noticed it. I do hunt in a 12' tower.
I have a Mr. Heater Buddy, and have used the 1# bottles... 4 hours burning time is usually all I get... It doesn't get REAL cold in Missippy, but I take blood thinners and am a wimp when it comes to cold! :D
Been looking for a hose, and finally found an 8 foot hose at my local Wally-world last week; haven't checked to see if it connects to my 20# bottle yet... and seeing as how it's 65 right now, with no cold weather in sight, I'm probably not going to find out this year... :(
I didn't realize it but read the box of a Little Buddy propane heater, which is what I have, in the store the other day, and they are approved for indoor use. So technically speaking I guess you don't need ventilation. Surprised me.
I didn't realize it but read the box of a Little Buddy propane heater, which is what I have, in the store the other day, and they are approved for indoor use. So technically speaking I guess you don't need ventilation. Surprised me.
Some of the newer models have a low oxygen sensor which will turn the unit off.
Extreme caution needs to be used with unvented propane heaters. Carbon monoxide can kill you!

We just had a woman die here in MN last week in an ice fishing shack where the party was using unvented heaters. It happens every year here, carbon monox kills people in fish houses etc because people don't realize how much CMO these things throw off.

I've seen some tower blinds that seal up too tight to be safe with these heaters for any long term use. You need a window opened to let fresh air in at all times when using these things. The problem is that CMO affects brain function first, so people become mentally unable to recognize and react to the signs of CMO poisoning as it's occurring.

Be careful out there!

I didn't realize it but read the box of a Little Buddy propane heater, which is what I have, in the store the other day, and they are approved for indoor use. So technically speaking I guess you don't need ventilation. Surprised me.

We have used the buddy heaters for years in our shooting houses and have never worried about venting and have had no issues. These are houses we have built. 2x4 and plywood construction and they breath at least a little with the shadow blind window kits or replacement windows in them. Hell, I about lived in a Shooting house for a week one year waiting for a certain buck to show. About half of ours are hooked to 20 pound tanks with the appropriate kit. It makes for a pretty comfortable sit. We use them in the Rednecks also which are pretty close to air tight. The problem there is the condensation that starts forming on the inside of the windows due to lack of ventilation. Basically you can't use them in those unless you have some ventilation (window open) or the condensation is horrible.
I don't know what I'd do if I ever hunted somewhere it was really cold... I probably run the heater on days that y'all northern boys wear shorts to the stand! But... Most of our shooting houses / tower blinds have sort of haphazard windows, so its usually best to open all of the windows, and put your back to where you least expect to get a shot... on a couple of them, I open most windows, and keep the one facing the wind closed, even if I'm facing it...
On my hunting tower I left a 2" gap at the top of the door. Plus the windows are on hinges and gap on the sides somewhat. My Buddy heater says it shuts off in low oxygen.
If you guys are nervous you can purchase a $20 carbon monoxide detector on amazon. Just a little insurance. I keep one in my camper even though it has a shut off built in.