The cooler does most of the work. I just keep an eye on it. As for taste I guess that is subjective to one's personal preference. Dry aging the meat intensifies the natural flavor in the meat along with the enzymes and bacteria it does change the flavor and in my opinion better. Whether its 10x I don't know. What I do know is I can taste a difference and notice a difference when cooking it.
It really comes down to cost for and the artisan aspect of it for me. Early on in my career as a chef I was fortunate to travel and apprentice in some really awesome places in Europe. I worked for a German butcher in Switzerland. He was an old school 5th generation butcher. It's all his family knew. The love they put into every product they sold along with a lot of these country town places is to be respected and admired. Processors have gotten high around here. $3+ a pound for sausage, $2+ for just tenderized steaks. I never had a problem with the amount of meat I received just the $200+ price tag. It added up over the season.
February will be 8 years since we bought the farm. The country always called to me. Whether I was bush hogging my grandfather's field or fishing in my uncle's lake. Something stirred in me and I found solace in wide open places. The feeling everyone gets when they get to deer camp and look at the stars or just sit around a campfire and the only thing you hear is the coals crackling. I get that everyday of my life. Wanting to raise our kids in a place that transcends today's hectic life, the satisfaction of pulling produce out of the dirt and feeding my family, being able to teach my children the cycle of life with birthing, raising and ultimately consuming our own cattle. I don't know what life lessons they will take with them but I hope its enough for them to be able to contribute something to this world, stand their ground and find happiness in life. So what does all of this mean about butchering deer? It's the change in pace, the slow living. Taking the time and enjoying the process is relaxing to me. Eating good food is secondary.
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