Well-Known Member
I have carved plots out of hallow pastures and corners of crop fields before. This year is my first real shot at putting one in a the woods. The opening I have is fine, my concern is I have already broadcast my clover and chicory seed after I burned the area off earlier in the year. However.....mother nature is tenacious!
Burned plot to remove all leaf littler and small limbs and the like and to get to as much bare dirt as possible.
I broadcast a pound of ladino white clover and 4 pounds of forage chicory.
A few weeks ago (4/22) things started to green up:
Yesterday (5/6) things had a lot more green.....but not the green I was looking for.
I had hoped that the seed would germinate and get ahead of what mother nature would provide....but obviously I was wrong. I don't have much experience with natural vegetative woodland plants so I am not sure what to expect of these......
Currently there seems to be little if any signs of the seed I planted.....so my question is simple....
Do I spray the plot with gly to kill everything and see what of my seed may still come up? OR do I wait it out and see if my seed will fight it's way through? OR do I simply scalp the crap out of what is there with a mower/weed-eater and see what happens?
I figured some of you with far more exp than I with woodland plots may be able to offer up some advice.
Burned plot to remove all leaf littler and small limbs and the like and to get to as much bare dirt as possible.
I broadcast a pound of ladino white clover and 4 pounds of forage chicory.
A few weeks ago (4/22) things started to green up:
Yesterday (5/6) things had a lot more green.....but not the green I was looking for.
I had hoped that the seed would germinate and get ahead of what mother nature would provide....but obviously I was wrong. I don't have much experience with natural vegetative woodland plants so I am not sure what to expect of these......
Currently there seems to be little if any signs of the seed I planted.....so my question is simple....
Do I spray the plot with gly to kill everything and see what of my seed may still come up? OR do I wait it out and see if my seed will fight it's way through? OR do I simply scalp the crap out of what is there with a mower/weed-eater and see what happens?
I figured some of you with far more exp than I with woodland plots may be able to offer up some advice.