Trophy Rock mineral site - getting some use, but doesn't seem to be overly active - second year of minerals in this spot. Mineral sight on the west property has a lot of use and a pretty good depression dug into the ground where the deer have been using. I think it maybe takes a few years for them to really start utilizing. Plus I'm pretty active on the east property around this site specifically with tree planting/water/spraying and such so I'm sure there aren't as many deer using as if I left it alone. I've used trophy rock and lucky buck - I'm sure they all 'work' to some extent - not expecting magical things to happen, but guessing a little mineral/salt can't hurt the deer.
Cedar tree - 3'-4' - starting to get some cedars up to this height - they grow pretty slowly when you just stick the 6" plugs in the sod and let them fend for themselves, but such is life I guess - quite a few of them do make it - tough buggers. Deer of course rub them when they start looking promising - which is why I have an old lawn ornament to maybe discourage that this fall - instead the rocks will probably attract a deer and he'll rip the whole tree out of the ground. I plant 50-100 plugs each year from the state nursery - trying to establish some thermal cover.
What is this - quite a few of these little volunteers popping up? - none seem to get more than a couple feet tall - maybe the deer snip them and I need to cage a few - maybe that's as tall as they get or need more time as this was a pasture until a couple years ago?
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