So I finally had a half day and some help to get in a plot before the cold sets in to help with keeping my herd around for the winter months. We fired up the Kubota and tilled it under after last weeks cut clear and cut, the ground was very nice and easy to till under. Threw some peas, wheat, bras and turnips just to see how this whole thing will work out.
Soil test is on the way, and know I should have done this first but just not enough time in the day, week or month to get it all done... YET!
We dont have a good cutlipacker so had to make up a redneck one for fun - actually worked better high tilling it but the boys had fun this way.
I love reading these threads so ill see how my hand at this works out!
I have 106 acres with plenty of water, cover & very light human contact so hope this plot helps!
Thanks everyone for the posts - ill see how i do????

Soil test is on the way, and know I should have done this first but just not enough time in the day, week or month to get it all done... YET!
We dont have a good cutlipacker so had to make up a redneck one for fun - actually worked better high tilling it but the boys had fun this way.
I love reading these threads so ill see how my hand at this works out!
I have 106 acres with plenty of water, cover & very light human contact so hope this plot helps!
Thanks everyone for the posts - ill see how i do????