Well-Known Member
I try to buy local if I can. Being in farm country it makes it easier as I have 2 larger seed/fertilizer/chemical co-ops at my disposal as well and 2 other places where I can buy forage type seed as well. Sure it's not fancy deer seed, but the deer don't seem to really care. I also have 2 large farm retail stores close as well if I just have to have something from a pretty bag.
The internet and the Bigger is better idea of retail has killed the small town business owner in many cases. Best thing about staying local is that you can often times get seed better suited to your area AND get some advice and help beyond the sale....from someone who knows what they are talking about. Try getting some help in a big box store sometime....
The internet and the Bigger is better idea of retail has killed the small town business owner in many cases. Best thing about staying local is that you can often times get seed better suited to your area AND get some advice and help beyond the sale....from someone who knows what they are talking about. Try getting some help in a big box store sometime....