I put up my ladder stands yesterday ..barely ..plum wore me out ..nice and cool ..like 82 degrees and lower than normal humidity ..but if it had been the the normal temp and humidity I would have only gotten one up (maybe)before I timed out!
70 years old, 3 shoulder surgeries, a missing disc and 2 knee surgeries are telling me putting up and taking down ladder stands is not much longer in my future ....It's probably even telling me it's time to stay out of tree stands ..but I'm an addict ..the thought of acorns falling ..deer acting like hogs and me in a tree stand watch'in it all ..picking and choosing my bow shot ...so any way++++++++++++++++++
How bad would would it be if I left my steel painted ladder stands up ...but relax the straps for tree growth and camo tarp them at end of season .. any other thoughts are appreciated
By the way ..I quit using all the ladder sections and only use 2 now so my butt sits about 10 feet off the ground ..I'm in a gillie suit top and have a skirt of camo mosquito netting around the lift up shooting bar ..There has been zero ...zero changes in the deer's attitudes ..I do hunt the wind though