Flat land deer still relate to terrain and edges. You just have to look at it a little differently. A dip or depression of 10 feet can be what you are looking for. I see it here all the time. Pretty dang flat here with only small wood lots of cover. Learn how to identify your corners of cover, your edges within (edges of different habitat types or even different cover densities), A water source and a food source need to be nearby as well. ID all the oaks and see what is producing. Look for any signs of browsing as well. There is a fair chance deer go to this property to escape surrounding hunting pressure......What does the neighboring properties look like at about a 1/2 mile to a mile in all directions of this piece? You have to figure out how the deer use this piece of property in general in the area. Properties are not islands and once you figure out how your piece fits into the big picture it will help you understand how they use it and when. A satellite image of the place in detail and then another showing at least a square mile with the property in the middle can help as well. Also keep in mind big/old deer tend to not like company.....so a lack of deer sign could potentially be a good thing. Getting cams up and seeing what is there would be very helpful. You may have to hunt this property very differently depending on how the deer use it. As there is no point hunting deer that are not there. You may need the surrounding farms to apply the pressure before this place really shines..... Don't give up on it, just learn what you can and take note of every bit of deer sign you find...tracks, deer poop, browse sign, rubs, scrapes and beds. it may take time for a pattern to develop, but I think one will over time.