I live and hunt in Upstate NY. I have a field where I grow soybeans in late May. They stay green and attract deer until the weather gets too cold for them, usually in late October. This year, I'd like to add a separate plot next to the soybeans, that will attract deer during the later part of the season. So this would be a fall/early winter plot.
What would be good to grow, for this purpose and in my climate? The field is maintained by some local dairy farmers that grow corn in it. They leave me some of it to grow my soybean plot, but they still till it and spread manure each spring. So the soil quality is great. Corn and soybeans grow very well. Corn definitely helps, but I'd still like to try something else as well for this late season plot.
What types of wheat, grains, and brassica do some of you (especially in NY) have luck with? I was also thinking of an annual clover.
This will start off as a smaller plot. Maybe a half acre. So I'm even open to suggestions on b.o.b. mixes, such as those offered by White Tail Institute.
What would be good to grow, for this purpose and in my climate? The field is maintained by some local dairy farmers that grow corn in it. They leave me some of it to grow my soybean plot, but they still till it and spread manure each spring. So the soil quality is great. Corn and soybeans grow very well. Corn definitely helps, but I'd still like to try something else as well for this late season plot.
What types of wheat, grains, and brassica do some of you (especially in NY) have luck with? I was also thinking of an annual clover.
This will start off as a smaller plot. Maybe a half acre. So I'm even open to suggestions on b.o.b. mixes, such as those offered by White Tail Institute.