Blizzard Ridge
Well-Known Member
Here is my theory of land prices jumping up in my area. The same farmer/landowner owned over 20,000 acres. He inherited some (free), bought some at low market times back in the 80's (300-600 an acre). So what you have is a guy that owns say 10,000+ acres of ground that was bought for pennies on the dollar compared to today. So now this same landowner goes out to auctions bids himself up on land and starts buying ground in the 10,000 an acre range. He adds another 5 -10K acres at these higher prices. So he turns around and sells this land within 10 years of purchasing and while still purchasing ground at that stupid money mark. So if talking return on investment this guy has somewhere between 10,000+ acres bought or inherited for pennies and then goes out and buys a fraction of land at lucrative prices. What this does is raises the land prices in the area that settles in somewhere in the middle say $8000 an acre instead of the normal going rate of 3k-5k and acre. By doing this after selling he has maybe $3M in the original ground bought in the 50s - 90s and maybe $100M in the remainder. He then turns around and sells everything for $8000 an acre after inflating prices by doing so he just made a $57M profit and that isn't counting the many years of farming the ground into the equation.
Talk about playing the system!
Talk about playing the system!