Keifer Pear?

Want to plant some pears to complement my apple trees.

But after a bit of research it is looking like the only variety that I can plant is Keifer.
Due to living in Zone 4.

Wanted to plant 6-8 trees.
Semi-shade probably 4 hrs direct sun, with another 3-5 partial sun.

I know that most people say to plant a diversity of species to promote increased cross pollination.
But sadly that is not an option at this time, unless anyone has any info on any species I may be missing.

If I end up with Keifer as the only option, will it be an issue?
Don't want to waste time an money on a plant that will not bare fruit in the end.

We do grow some varieties that are reported to be hardy to -30, but I have no first knowledge of that and Lord willing I never will!:) Kieffer is reported to be self fertile, but fruit set on anything is generally better with cross pollination.
There are supposed to be a few more cold Hardy varieties. Wouldn't hurt to try some from TC or Cummins.
I initially chose keiffer for the same reasons as you, only had it two years, grown well so far, no fruit yet. I just added a moonglow to go with it.
All I know is I had 7 keifer pears at the farm in the field in front of the cabin. They got ATE UP with fire blight this year. To the point they will not recover. All are coming down and having the stumps treated with glyphosate the end of July. Massive burn pile!!
Kieffer is said to be blight resistant. Several of my Keiffers got blight pretty bad about three years ago and they recovered. Keiffers are keepers and their pears drop late and last on the ground. If I could only plant one pear it would be Keiffer. My second choice and favorite eating pear is Olympic/Korean Giant, which grows in Zone 4. ;-)
My Kieffers look great this year - not a speck of FB. I've seen minor FB in the past but never very much.

But my neighbor's apple tree isn't looking too hot this year:

This stands a few yards from my pears.

Sorry about the bad luck. I have several Kieffers growing well that were planted last year. Could anyone wager a guess as to what the most likely rootstock a kieffer would be growing on that was purchased as a semi-dwarf from Rural King? I also planted two Asian Olympics this year from ACN that look very happy so far.
Sorry about the bad luck. I have several Kieffers growing well that were planted last year. Could anyone wager a guess as to what the most likely rootstock a kieffer would be growing on that was purchased as a semi-dwarf from Rural King? I also planted two Asian Olympics this year from ACN that look very happy so far.

It's just hard to say on what the rootstock might have been.

I had a Callery Pear to come up in my tree planting, and this spring I topworked it to a Kieffer. Already removed the grafting tape and added the cane brace on this one.
