Jeff Sturgis

Not all consultants are wacky. And none of them know the grounds as well as a landowner, at least I hope that’s the case. I chuckle sometimes when the Midwest/southern consultants come out to the northeast, especially in New York. Completely different eco region and very few have ever killed a deer here or have a real understanding of the complications of the deer to include how deer are socially constructed due to pressure and resources, population density even the dietary differences due to seasonal resources.

I learn a lot on this forum and I do consult on properties all over NY, but I don’t know everything and I’m not bashing Sturgis or any other consultant but Sturgis basic principles are just that... basic. There is little that’s complicated about his perspective although he does a good job at times making folks think it’s complicated. Bottom line the marketing aspect of doe factories... is just that, an observation and marketing he does... next thing you hear is I want and inside out vs outside in property or some other theory... I’ve designed properties with the complete opposite recommendation to include my own.

Here’s my take, I want low deer numbers (not 8-12 deer/sq mi) around 20-25/ sq mile, I’m looking at herd dynamics all the time and I’m managing for seasonal food and cover... that’s your simple answer to all of this, lower numbers and balance sex ratios with adequate resources minimizes a lot of what others want to complain about to include doe numbers ...I’m using this as a threshold from a mgt standpoint due to what I’m generally looking at as it relates to vegetation in my local region, take a look at it for specific area and weigh the stresses that might subtract or other factors that might add to the deer numbers.

There’s a ton of info on this forum and it will get you further and allow you to invest in your own approach and give you better insight into tactics of approaching land for enhancement. I’m not saying don’t hire or leverage a consultant, I’m just suggesting keep things simple in your approach, and a lot of it starts with just managing deer numbers.

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I hope you ain’t holding your breatho_O It has been my experience that deer do what they want to do much more than what we want them to do.

My management is handicapped by either too little acreage (on my own place) or too little control (my lease). My best bet as I see it is to raise the best food that I can and be judicious as to what I shoot and when I hunt.

Not for a minute do I believe they will dive behind the screen!! Jeff makes everything sound so easy and resolute. I've had no luck getting deer to bed where I want them too.....this will be no different.
One for you predominantly hardwood guys. You'll have to get past the NDA / QDMA portion to get to Craig Harper's presentation. Thought of George in KY when I watched this one this morn.

One for you predominantly hardwood guys. You'll have to get past the NDA / QDMA portion to get to Craig Harper's presentation. Thought of George in KY when I watched this one this morn.

Watched it last night. Can’t believe my hero Craig Harper said, “deer don’t eat hickory nuts”.

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It's funny you say that. We've got a stand of hickory trees next to our family campground. I've never seen evidence of the deer eating our hickory nuts either. I never said anything, because deer and hickory nuts -- who would believe me?
For a small? fee I will share my vast deer/habitat knowledge. But you will have to sign a non disclosure affidavit as this stuff is so secretive I cannot let everyone know my methods.
Cash only , please.

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I have a friend who likes to say “for a small phenomenal fee...” Your post just reminded me of him. :-)

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It's funny you say that. We've got a stand of hickory trees next to our family campground. I've never seen evidence of the deer eating our hickory nuts either. I never said anything, because deer and hickory nuts -- who would believe me?

I’ve only seen them eating hickory nuts from one tree and only during one all day sit in November 2019 so obviously anecdotal evidence. However, multiple deer were eating nuts from this tree (likely mockernut or pignut) several times that day. These “concentrate selectors” were selecting hickory nuts and during peak rut. I won’t be cutting that tree down.

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One for you predominantly hardwood guys. You'll have to get past the NDA / QDMA portion to get to Craig Harper's presentation. Thought of George in KY when I watched this one this morn.

I recommend this one^^^^^^^

Much less gratuitous sales nonsense and more useful info provided you ignore the NDA part as stated above

One for you predominantly hardwood guys. You'll have to get past the NDA / QDMA portion to get to Craig Harper's presentation. Thought of George in KY when I watched this one this morn.

Right up my alley, TC

I have witnessed deer eating hickory nuts.

I watched a Grant Woods aerial phone consultation where Grant tells the guy to put a 4 acre food plot in the middle of a hardwood travel corridor between two young pine plantations. I wonder how much that consultation cost?

Oddly enough I was told that exact advice from a consultant. Needless to say I didn’t take it. I’m not saying it wouldn’t have worked but..........there were better ways to get results.
I like Jeff and he has lots of experience no doubt, but he accused my of not being knowledgeable in deer management because I questioned the value of hinge cutting vs clear cutting on his YouTube.
I like Jeff and he has lots of experience no doubt, but he accused my of not being knowledgeable in deer management because I questioned the value of hinge cutting vs clear cutting on his YouTube.

His way or the highway.

I like Jeff and he has lots of experience no doubt, but he accused my of not being knowledgeable in deer management because I questioned the value of hinge cutting vs clear cutting on his YouTube.

If I was located in a state where prescribed burning was an option you would see a reduction in some hinge cutting but it would still be use extensively in certain instances.

Next time Jeff says he hinge cuts on 25% of the “lands” ask him why and have him provide a constructive approach to a typical methodology he employs.... the answer you will include lot of words and little explanation for decisions!!!! His percents/numbers are subjective/without good basis and frankly he’s the reason I’m consulting!

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