What is that!?!?!
I have a few of them on and around my place but yes bobwhite quail are in big trouble in the Hoosier state (you don't want to know about the grouse). The main issue is habitat loss.....the "brushy fence row" is a thing of the past in many places. And those fence rows provided lots of small game everything they needed and a means to move from one place to another safely. The landscape becomes more and more fragmented and quail in particular need their habitat needs in a fairly small area as compared to deer. They naturally suffer high mortality rates as it is as well. I get a few whistlers at my place, but not many. Every once in a while the dog will jump a covey but not very often. I have not even seen a significant increase with the install of my NWSG. I realize I didn't go crazy with it but I figured it would help at least some, but I have not seen a difference. I know they manage for them in the south, but many of those management practices simply are not used here. I have NEVER seen a wild pheasant in IN......what are those!!!!