Lots of people use Buck Forage Oats and swear by them. If you're planting a couple of acres or less, buy one bag and one bag of plain Jane oats and do a comparison on your property. Every property is different, in particular with soil quality, fertility and ph, so you might find that BFO are the way to go for you. The again, maybe not. I tried a couple acres on mine and I saw no difference in usage, but there could be lots of good reasons why, like the location and access to cover.
Or you could buy the Plain Jane Oats, and with the $ savings a few pounds of radishes, or turnips or Dwarf Essex Rape (or a little of everything) and make a little buffet, then you can really asses what your deer like and help you formulate a plan for the fall of 2018. In 2018, with your perennial clover established, you might choose to over seed with wheat and a brassica the deer preferred. Just some options.