Well-Known Member
We used to have much the same management program in Texas. It's called MLDP for Managed Lands Deer Permits. There were three levels according to years invested, objectives achieved, etc. This year the state changed all this. Now there are only two tiers and the small landowners got the back of the state's hand. The large landowners pretty much stayed the same as far as I can tell, but landowners with less than 250 acres were left in the cold. One doe permit and zero buck permits was what I was offered on a 217 acre place. This means that all the other small places around me were out of luck also, unless you form a co-op. Good luck with that ! We have the option of course to just use the tags on our license and that's what I opted to do. It won't change my management habits one iota, just the way I get my tags. I think the state just got tired of fooling with the small landowners, but I could be wrong. I know for a fact that I got very little out of my biologist. Maybe he just had too much on his plate.......