I've been a member for over ten years. I helped start my local branch, of which I am now the president. I formerly held the treasurers position on two different occasions. We've raised in excess of $100,000 in fundraisers for QDMA. We've had youth hunts in the QDMA name. We've worked outdoor shows and grown the membership and put the word out about QDMA. Every dollar we sent in was supposed to have a percentage set aside for a "State Chapter". Those monies (State Chapter) were never made available to us even though we requested it year after year.
QDMA never once supported our Facebook page. They never commented or supported any of us when we posted on the forum about having an event, a youth hunt, chartering a new branch, nothing. They barely supported our branch with the exception of one great RD, Kevin Graves.
When some unknown came onto the forum bad mouthing a vendor about some SweetTea seed that they had purchased, Lindsay and Banc immediately defended the seller. When i called them out on it, they deleted the threads. They never once said anything about anything the branches had done or accomplished.
That's where QDMA has left me.........