How long to mow after spraying gly ?

What did you spray, what rate of glyphosate did you use, and what are your growing conditions now?
It probably depend on what you are trying to accomplish. Most brands of gly are rainfast in 1 hours. That means if you get a downpour an hour after you spray that washes all the gly off the plants, they will still have absorbed enough to kill them. I often mow before I spray depending on the situation. New growth is more sensitive to gly. I'll often mow and wait a week or so for new growth to start and then seed and spray. I don't think it is particularly time sensitive. If you wait a week to 10 days you can usually see any spots you missed (if that matters to you). I would guess dead plant material is probably a bit easier on the equipment than green plants, but that is pretty minor.

Depending on my availability and equipment availability and such, I've done T&M in all kinds of orders and relative timing between steps. I haven't noticed a significant difference.
Cut, I sprayed what’s left of the spring plots, some of them didn’t have much more than pea vines and sunn hemp stalks, but some of them had weeds and grasses. All but one were still green, the one had previously been killed because it had a bunch of pigweed in it. It still had a little pigweed right up the middle so it got one pass.

I used 2oz. of gly per gallon and had just a few ounces left in the jug so I poured it in the sixty gallon tank too. I mixed a full 60 gallons to spray all the plots, seven total, some small, one a good acre. I don’t go by quarts per acre, I just mix the 2 oz. per gallon and spray at about 3 mph or a little less and it always works for me.

We have had an unusually wet summer, so everything is still green and growing. I’m going to plant fall plots as soon as I can get ahead of a wet cool front, of which none is in the forecast at the moment.

Jack, I won’t be doing T&M, the hogs will eat the seeds. I’ll have to cover them. I’ll disc as little as possible but I’ll still disc and drag.

I have always waited at least a week, but I’m just curious if anyone has waited just 3/4 days and mowed. I have one .65 acre plot here at home I can monitor, and if it’s dead enough, they should all be. I have a good bit of mowing I need to do, my son’s place that I mow once annually is about 3 acres, and all the roads, trails, and pipeline easments on one lease, plus all the plots.
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