Hickory nuts and deer preference...thoughts?

Have any of you eaten hickory nuts? It's said that some like shagbark and sand are sweeter than pignut and bitternut. I plan to try some this fall. I can only think that deer may prefer some over others.

I have one of those Treehopper drills too. Using that and bolts is a great way to get up a tree.
As a child I ate them but don’t remember much about it. We have a bumper crop of hazelnuts this year and I plan in eating lots of them.
Have any of you eaten hickory nuts? It's said that some like shagbark and sand are sweeter than pignut and bitternut. I plan to try some this fall. I can only think that deer may prefer some over others.

I have one of those Treehopper drills too. Using that and bolts is a great way to get up a tree.
There's no better tasting nut than shagbark hickory. Very addictive, but they take some time to pick the sweetmeats out of.