Hate the cams I own. Looking to buy a few new ones

I pulled the cards on my 4 new Browning cams tpday.
Got hundreds upon hundreds of pics and over 400 10 second vids in less than 2 weeks.
Cameras seem to operate flawlessly. Very few blank pics.
I would rate the blur factor as decent, daytime pics are excellent, night pics are fair...a little grainy, but not bad. The night flash could be a little brighter, but I can edit that with the computer.
These cams are light years ahead of my old Bushnell Trophy Cams and, in most repects, better than my expensive home brew and DEFINITELY more user friendly than the homebrew.
Ran out of time today, but I'll post some pics within a day or two.

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I'll have to ask my Browning Rep the next time he comes in. The box nor the website specified that on that model. They do have IR management, but it is for video settings and helping the camera record from day into night(my understanding).
Exodus is what I use. I have 35 of their 1st series. I have not tried out the new higher end one or the new economy camera. I know the owners well and just from what I know about them they are quality.
Here's some pics from the new Browning Strike Force HD PRO.
These are just random pics from 4 cameras on different settings. Some pics are pretty good and others, not so great. I'll post good and not so good pics to give a fair impression of picture quality.
Note: Most every pic had large file sizes and I guess I'm having computer issues because I had a terrible time trying to resize them so I'll need to make multiple posts. Please give me some time to complete my posts....sorry.
Setting details...18MP and fast motion night exposure. I really don't see all that much difference between the high MP settings and the low MP settings.
Nice pic !

Funny when it showed up on my phone. Deer picture followed by an advertisement pic of a woman model when i scrolled down. Thought it was an accidental post. I was like : wow Tom, nice pull !!! Yeesh !
Nice pic !

Funny when it showed up on my phone. Deer picture followed by an advertisement pic of a woman model when i scrolled down. Thought it was an accidental post. I was like : wow Tom, nice pull !!! Yeesh !
I'm having all sorts of computer issues the last couple of days.
The latest problem was that the forum allowed me to upload that 1st pic, but now it won't allow me to choose another file...I hate this crap.
I'm still having upload issues. Some pics will load and others won't load, and they are all within the file size limit...or at least that's what my computer says the file size is. I resized these pics and it now shows them to be within the size limit, but is it possible my computer is lying to me about the true file size? This Mac does funny things when resizing pics.
Anyway...here's an example of blur during low light. 7:17am...not still dark and not light enough to convert to color pics. My other brands of cams would have much more blur than this pic.
Setting details...same as the pic in post #48.

Just a nice pic. Those turkey stood around in front of a couple cams for long periods...got at least 100 pics of them.
I'd like to post a few more pics, but they won't load. I'll try resizing again. This may take a while:(
Yea, they are picture taking machines. If you have them on 5 second delay, it's way quicker than 5 sec on mine. I'll get my pic taken 4-5 times trying to get one shut off. I bought so many in 2016 that I haven't tried many of the new ones. Quite frankly, I'm hesitant to try the newer ones because I don't think the 2016 Strike Force can be beat! I did buy 2 at Cabelas recently on Black Friday special. I have only used them briefly over coyote traps on video, doesn't seem like battery life is as good as I would expect.
Yea, they are picture taking machines. If you have them on 5 second delay, it's way quicker than 5 sec on mine. I'll get my pic taken 4-5 times trying to get one shut off. I bought so many in 2016 that I haven't tried many of the new ones. Quite frankly, I'm hesitant to try the newer ones because I don't think the 2016 Strike Force can be beat! I did buy 2 at Cabelas recently on Black Friday special. I have only used them briefly over coyote traps on video, doesn't seem like battery life is as good as I would expect.
Trailcampro.com says there is a slight glitch in them. They keep taking pics while they are shutting down (I think).
They suggest holding your hand over the fresnel when turning them off and it won't continue to trigger pics.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Well, it looks like what my computer says is the file size and what the forum says is the file size doesn't jive. Gotta resize them to post them.
Here's my mock scrape that they've been pounding for years. The original grapevine died and rotted off. I re-hung this tangle of vines hoping they would stay alive. So far, the bucks don't seem to like it quite as much as the old, single vine. They are actually now preferring to use an adjacent scrape under a scotch pine more than this one.
Setting details...
4MP, multi-shot "off", night exposure set on "long range".
These 4MP pics don't seem any less quality than the 18MP pics.
Nothing really special about this pic other than it shows detection range. That doe is about 100 feet away.
This is a pic of a hog 6 point. He has the best body of any of our bucks this year. And with point restrictions, he's not legal for me to shoot.
There's one thing that jumped out at me when I saw this pic. Notice the survey tape blowing in the wind. Modern cameras show all kinds of info like temp, hour, moon phase and date, but they can't show what the wind was doing when the photo was taken. We might figure-out some deer patterns if we hang wind indicators where our cameras are pointing. Can't hurt to hang something that shows what the wind is doing.
For years, I've hung a white plastic grocery bag in a tree in my back yard so I can watch the wind 365 days a year. (I've watched deer nuzzle it like a scrape branch, btw). I never occurred to me that I could put one at camera sites to show wind.

Here's an example of daylight, color blur. This one isn't bad. I had some other daytime pics with a higher rate of blur. but it's still way better than my old Bushnell cams.
Night time photo blur.It's not crystal clear, but I guess it's not bad for a pic of a deer that's running. This camera was set on 8MP.