Triple C
Well-Known Member
Great looking plots cutman. For anyone with future timber harvests, I would add to plan your tree plantings in light of future logging activity. Put trees in old logging decks and guess what gets used as logging decks on next timber harvest...old logging decks. We had several sawtooth and chestnuts wiped out form skidders simply not seeing them when thinning pines on our place. Planted about 25 bare toot sawtooths and chestnuts this past Sunday and not a one was planted in food plot / logging decks. We're planning additional fruit trees for our largest plot that we expanded with a clear cut and really thinking through the location in light of future thinning.
A combination of pines and hardwoods is hard to beat down south, particularly when you've thinned the pines to the point to where a great deal of sunlight hits for forest floor and produces all kind of cover and browse. Planted pines, after thrice thinned, makes for awesome wildlife habitat - deer, turkey, quail, fox squirrels and birds of prey.
A combination of pines and hardwoods is hard to beat down south, particularly when you've thinned the pines to the point to where a great deal of sunlight hits for forest floor and produces all kind of cover and browse. Planted pines, after thrice thinned, makes for awesome wildlife habitat - deer, turkey, quail, fox squirrels and birds of prey.