Happy Birthday Buddy!

My avatar is actually a picture i sent to LC in his final months on this earth. I had gone through some rough patches that he helped me through and my sons first bow kill was a direct result of his habitat threads.
Even with his sickness, LC responded yet again, telling how much he appreciated hearing he had been a positive influence in our lives. Knowing that he had helped others in any fashion gave him great comfort.

LC walked what he talked.
Never met the man in person, but I still miss him. I wish my good buddy and I had gone up for his funeral, but life was too busy at the time, I still regret that decision. He loved God, he loved God’s creation, and he loved helping people. It’s good to see his legacy carrying on.
@KSQ2...My sentiments exactly. I have his Getting Started thread printed out and kept in a folder. 1st guy I followed on the old now defunct forum.
He was very good about helping people on a variety of forums. I “met” him at iowawhitetail.com many almost a decade and a half ago. It would have been a rough go on our first place without his advice.
@KSQ2...My sentiments exactly. I have his Getting Started thread printed out and kept in a folder. 1st guy I followed on the old now defunct forum.

I consider his classic thread( weren't they all?) Wheat v Rye to be the mother of all habitat threads as well as the mother of all timeless habitat debates
