Gun safe..... opinions

These are quite interesting......doesn't look like they are any cheaper than a normal one, but at least I could break it down and move it myself it I wanted to.

I looked a bit and shown 20 min at 1200 degrees......on the lower end of fire protection but that is expected I guess considering the construction of it.
Just something to keep in mind, it can take the fire dept roughly 15 minutes to get to you and start spraying water, by the time you make the first call to 911. It's not always the case, but it won't be 5 minutes.
There’s some very good advice on here. My father and I have 4 safes (all Liberty or Champion) and they all have dials. They’re also mostly full. Follow the advice on doubling what you think you’ll need because you’ll be surprised how much stuff you have that really is safer in your safe.

I’m of the opinion that most thieves are lazy or they would have jobs and not be thiefs. If a couple are motivated and brave enough to spend the time and effort that would be required to wrestle my 1000 lb safe out of its spot and then somehow get it loaded up on a truck, then they will have done a days work for sure. If I’m anywhere in the area, I suspect they will be very sad to discover that many of my guns aren’t in the safe but they are fully loaded and in handy locations all over my house. This is when it’s nice to have hardwood floors in much of the house. I suspect large amounts of thief blood would be tough to remove from carpet.

Good luck with your purchase.
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Problem is, any safe, worth having, other than just to keep kids out, will be heavy, and hard to get into house.
I have a friend who is a plumber/ electrician. He has an electric hand cart. It has a small motor on it. The cart has tracks on it that allows it to climb one stair at a time. He moved a 28 gun 600 pound one piece safe up a set of basement stairs by himself. My friend basically steered the unit. He uses it to bring water heaters in and out of houses by himself. I have never seen another one, but his worked great.
My recommendation is still a Zanotti.