Guidance Method To Spray Crops?


Well-Known Member
Free Farmis "Field Navigator" app for android with a $99 Garmin Glo2 satellite antenna is what I use to spray my fields. Maybe I'll add foam markers at some point, this system works great, but accuracy can vary sometimes, according to satellite availability. What does everyone else use?
Wish they made that app for iPhone. I use foam markers. Bought a kit for $600 a few years ago and it was worth every penny.
I pick a point in the distance to aim for and then just follow the previous tracks with an offset and some overlap! But my little's not a big deal. "Fields".....I leave them to the pro's!
Same for me, small plots, usually coverage isn't a problem. That's a pretty neat system though, if I were spraying bigger areas, that would come in handy.
I will also add that my method is also why I don't plant large areas of corn....I'm not sure why people get all worked up....I just get more seeds in a row than everyone else! If your looking for picture perfect rows of corn....don't bother stopping by my plots!
Wish they made that app for iPhone. I use foam markers. Bought a kit for $600 a few years ago and it was worth every penny.
Maybe they make the Farmis field Navigator app for iPhone version? I also use it to notill drill if I'm drilling through 3' high standing rye and have trouble seeing where my last track is the screen gives me a visual aid to tell me if I'm close or not. It's a very simple, user intuitive app to use as well.
Yes, you can select implement width in infinite increments. You mark the corners of your field and save it to saved fields. You can also manually lay out the field in lines the width of your implement and follow the lines, or, select the field and just drive randomly by gps guidance.
I made a foam kit with a 12V Tire compressor and a plastic jug for my little UTV boom sprayer that worked pretty well. I've since switched over to a boomless sprayer so my spray width is significantly wider and the foam system isn't helpful. I see an app for iPhone called Tractor Navigator that I may try. I'd love to have something like you are using, because I often feel like I'm guessing on my coverage.
Pretty cool especially for the money. So how much does a true gps tracker that will actually configure the field and drive ur tractor cost?? Just curious. Thot you real farmer guys might know or even have one ? Always thot one would be cool for my massive half acre plots.

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Pretty cool especially for the money. So how much does a true gps tracker that will actually configure the field and drive ur tractor cost?? Just curious. Thot you real farmer guys might know or even have one ? Always thot one would be cool for my massive half acre plots.

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If you buy a John Deere cotton picker for $750,000 it includes a Starfire 6000 receiver with a paid subscription to John Deere's Mobile RTK cellular correction network. This dual-band GPS system lets farmers track and monitor their planting, harvesting and shows your yields per sq ft and transfers the data to your fertilizer spreader and it will automatically spread fertilizer heavier on the poor yield areas. I think this system is exactly what you need for your food plots.
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If you buy a John Deere cotton picker for $750,000 you Starfire Mobile RTS worldwide correction network included. This dual-band GPS system lets farmers track and monitor their planting, harvesting and shows your yields per sq ft and transfers the data to your fertilizer spreader and it will automatically spread fertilizer heavier on the poor yield areas. I think this system is exactly what you need for your food plots.

I don’t know about dogghr, but I’m gonna run right out to Walmart and get the Chinese version of that !:D
I don’t know about dogghr, but I’m gonna run right out to Walmart and get the Chinese version of that !:D
According to the John Deere's website they provide +/- 1 inch pass-to-pass accuracy season after season, and year after year. The Chinese version plants most of your rows on top of each other. This should save you a lot of herbicide.
I made a foam kit with a 12V Tire compressor and a plastic jug for my little UTV boom sprayer that worked pretty well. I've since switched over to a boomless sprayer so my spray width is significantly wider and the foam system isn't helpful. I see an app for iPhone called Tractor Navigator that I may try. I'd love to have something like you are using, because I often feel like I'm guessing on my coverage.

Has anyone tried an IPhone app that works with the gps unit for spray guidance?
I would like to hear first hand advice before buying the garmin glo gps device.
This would be great going into tall rye but I have an iPhone not android.
I grabbed a Glo a few weeks ago, and am going to give this a try when I'm planting this weekend. Excited to see how it works. :)