Well-Known Member
Well Pinesap, I hope you had better luck than I did. I managed to hunt last weekend out of the ground blind. It was my first time to ever use a ground blind, and I have mixed feelings. It was more comfortable than my tree stand, both in sitting (had a comfy seat) and being sheilded from the wind. But it did feel a bit claustrophobic, you just don't have the view you have up in a tree. But it was nice to have the option to at least attempt hunting since the wind was all wrong for hunting from my tree stand almost the entire weekend. The other bonus was that we had a good rain on Sunday morning, but the ground under the blind was bone dry. I had coated it pretty heavily with silicone waterproofing spray a week before setting it up and it seemed to do the trick. However, I never saw a single deer the entire time, and when I checked the camera on that plot there hadn't been a deer there day or night since the blind was set up. So I think it's a safe bet that the deer were a bit spooked by the new addition. I'm hoping to hunt there again the weekend of New Years so maybe by then they will be acclimated to it. If not it looks like I'll be eating some tag soup this year.
Give them a little time, they will get used to it. Once they do, they will pay little attention to it.....unless you get busted in it a time or two ! That's one thing that's important to me, once I shoot a deer from a ground blind, I avoid using it again for several days, unless the deer I shot was the only one there.