I have hundreds of persimmon trees on my ranch, keep finding more all the time. Last year only a few produced, this year I've got a decent crop....sure makes spotting them easier.
I am 43 and there was a persimmon tree right outside my parents back door, that I don't ever remember not seeing. I couldn't tell you how long it had been there. Every year it was producing more and bigger fruit. The biggest it produced was about 4 years ago and they were ping pong ball size-ish. That winter, the leaves fell off and never came back. I have no clue what happened to it, but I would fill up 5 gal buckets and take it to the woods and pour them out for the deer and other critters. The last year it produced, I let all the fruit rot, get rained on and then I collected a gallon zip-loc bag of seed and stuck it in the freezer, where it has been since. I need to get some out and start them for our lease. We have found 2 there, but I would like some more.
I've got tons of persimmons but not many acorns, strange cause we're only 20 miles or so apart. I do have a few chinkapins that look good but the red & burr are slim.
Was playing golf yesterday and right beside tee box was a heavily loaded persimmon. Golf courses are always loaded w deer. Maybe I should stick weapon in bag.
I haven’t been dog dared for a long time so that is tempting. But....you know me I always have a story.
My nephew is head pro at one of the major country clubs in the state. He and his coworker were watching a big buck out the window of clubhouse one fall that was feeding on the first tee box. Suddenly a red Fiesta stops on adjacent road, guy hops out w rifle, shoots said buck on tee box, and he and his buddy rush down grab deer and throw in back of the ford and take off down the country road. My nephew who doesn’t hunt, just stood there dumbfounded. Called telling me the story laughing so hard he could hardly talk.. We certainly have a few yahoos in this state that prob would take your dare but luckily my loss of testosterone over time now keeps me in ck.