My opinion is to let the deer tell you where to put the plots, then try and work with that the best you can. If they seem to spend more time in the swamps, then grow the best plots you can with what you have, you might have to pick different species than what youre thinking, same thing with the ridges. It also depends on what you consider swampy. "Here" a swampy area is something that holds water part of the time, but for part of the year its dry enough to cut hay on in a normal year, basically the only thing that grows well is Reeds Canary grass. You can usually grow a crop on marginal topsoil, we do it all the time on our yellow sh$t clay and beach sand, it just takes more fertilizers and work, but its very hard to grow something that basically drowns from underneath. All roots need O2, some just need more than others.
Your plots will get more use if you put them where the deer want to be, instead of where you think they should be. Remember, they spend their whole lives out there, and if they avoid an area, it doesn't really matter if you've got the best plot, they wont use it much.
But on the flipside, I have to deal with putting plots where I can, not always where I want. My main plot is in a small area of "waste ground" meaning its not pastured, but isn't farmed either, weve hayed it, but when the corn is up, you cant get there with the swather, and even if you could, you can only cut about 1/2 of the 10 acres because its too steep and has some trees. So Ive turned it into a food plot and experimental farming practices area, that way I can write it off on the taxes
lol. Its a funnel area that has always had decent deer movement between the bedding area in the corn, and a pond they use as water, but I cant throw a rock in my area without hitting corn, beans or alfalfa, so Ive started to go against convention and have been trying to plant things deer cant find in this area, like small grains and brassicas. But Ill still plant some beans and corn because the seed is free, and can give the deer some sense of security in things they already know. For instance, a lot of guys use switchgrass or MG as a screen, I use corn instead, it doesn't cost me anything and 6 rows of corn work just as well, and will provide some food as well. My point is, Ive found the only way to get deer to come to where you want instead of where they want is to give them something they cant find anywhere else.